Chiropractic Associations

Chiropractic doctors are considered as vital contributors when it comes to enhancing global health and wellness. There are a number of organizations throughout the world that recognize the optimal standards and offer representation for chiropractic doctors. Organizations such as these are always finding new means of providing protection, optimization, promotion and preservation for chiropractic services and professions. Some of the most recognized chiropractic associations include:

  • The American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
  • The Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC)
  • The World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA)

All of these associations are strong supporters of chiropractic practices and the ways in which chiropractic care is essential for optimal wellness and health. Associations such as these are always finding new methods of improving public policy and legislation and promoting higher standards of treatment and ethics. They also help come up with strategies that can assist chiropractic professionals in their growth and success.

Chiropractic associations are responsible for a number of achievements in the chiropractic field. They have made it possible for chiropractic care to be integrated into other health care standards, altered regulations to enhance health care systems, improved worldwide access to chiropractic treatments, increased the significance of chiropractic in terms of professional standards and contributed to healthier lives of individuals.

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA)

The ACA provides representation for chiropractic doctors. The association and its members aim to alter health care by drawing the focus to optimal health, instead of focusing solely on illnesses and diseases. The ACA offers a platform for chiropractic doctors to share their knowledge, ideas and expertise. The association provides valued and important information on chiropractic professionals, care, students, education, patients and meetings on their website.

The Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC)

The AHC has been a valuable association in the chiropractic field since it was established in 1980. It provides support for chiropractic scholarly studies and archives chiropractic history. The AHC hosts annual meetings and even distributes awards. They are also responsible for various journals and books relating to the chiropractic field, such as the Chiropractic History journal. Anyone is eligible to join the association.

The World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA)

The WCA is one of the largest non-profit organizations in the chiropractic field. It has gained a number of important achievements for chiropractic care since it was established in 1989. The WCA aims to alter the public’s understanding of chiropractic care and has succeeded in broadening chiropractic treatment to many areas of the world. The WCA is open to chiropractic students and doctors.

Have a look at the following links to find out more:



Chiropractic colleges provide education for those that are interested in becoming a professional in chiropractic care. They provide the best and latest methods of educating students and are vital for the expansion of chiropractic care since they are the leading educators of future chiropractic professionals.

The Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC)

The ACC offers a detailed list of accredited chiropractic educational programs in North America, along with international affiliate facilities. They represent the entirety of accredited chiropractic colleges in North America, while also working on ways to improve chiropractic education, service and research.

The ACC provides support for all of the institutions that they have listed by helping graduates, improving education and funding scholarly research. They also focus on improving public health standards. Some of the colleges that are members of the ACC include Life Chiropractic College West and Life University.


Visit the website below for the entire list of member institutions:



Licensing boards are essential when it comes to validating chiropractic care and services. Colorado’s Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) is an important committee that aims to conserve marketplace honor and promote an unbiased business environment, while offering user protection as well. For more information, please visit: